Enjoy Namibia ! Safely !

Namibia is a safe, clean and exciting tourism destination, and we trust that you will enjoy your stay in our beautiful country. Kindly help us to ensure that your visit will be safe and pleasant by taking the following precautions:
SPEED is the cause of most accidents. We have a relatively good road network in Namibia. The speed limit in urban areas is 60 km/h, on surfaced roads outside urban areas it is 120 km/h and on gravel roads outside urban areas it is 100 km/h. keep in mind, gravel roads can be unpredictable. When driving to fast, it is easy to lose control of your vehicle. It is therefore advisable to drive no faster than 60 – 80 km/h. Watch out for drivers overtaking you, heavy cross winds and blowing dust that may impair your vision.
  • In Namibia we drive on the left side of the road 
  • Passengers in the back as well as the front seats must wear seatbelts
  • it is advisable to drive with your lights on, also during the day
  • To operate a motor vehicle in Namibia, you need a valid driving license and must carry it with you when driving
  • Before leaving on yourself drive tour, please make sure your vehicle’s brakes and tyres are in good working order. Your tyres must have the correct air pressure for the roads on which you’re planning to drive, and also for the weight of luggage and number of passengers in your car. Always carry at least one spare tyre. When visiting remote areas, it is advisable to carry a second spare tyre and a tyre repair kit. 
  • in Namibia, 4x4 vehicles are recommended when traveling through remote areas. Your car should carry a well equipped first aid kit 
  • Plan your trip carefully. Always make sure you have enough fuel for the journey you have planned. Fill your tank at every available opportunity, even though you may not be in immediate need.
  • Always carry Water with you when you travel. Plan your trip so that you have enough water for the journey and also in case you have a break down or become stuck
  • It is a good idea to leave your itinerary with your tour operator, hotel or friends. In the unlike event that you should get lost, authorities will be able to find you if they know your plans.
  • Namibia’s wildlife is marvelous. But take care. Animals often cross the roads or graze near the roads. Both wild and domestic animals frighten easily and can jump directly in front of your moving car.
  • Avoid driving at night. Wildlife is most active at dusk and the possibility of a collision at this time of day is vastly increased.
  • When entering any game park or other area where there are wild animals, read the safety guidelines available. It is dangerous to leave your vehicle in a wildlife area. No matter how beautiful or gentle an animal may appear, the only safe way to look at it is from the safety of your car. 
  • We kindly ask you to dispose of your litter properly. Also, it is important to respect local people and cultures, particularly when traveling in remote areas.
  • in rainy season be aware of flooded roads and flowing rivers. Never drive through water, if you are not sure how deep it is.
  • FINALLY: Take the same precautions in Namibia you would take anywhere else in the world. Look after your personal items. Do not leave valuables visible in a car or hotel room. Lock your hotel room door when you enter and when you leave, Do not carry large amounts of cash on you. Never pick up hitch hikers. Avoid displaying flashy jewellery and carry your camera in its pack on your shoulder rather than around your neck. 

4x4 Driving Tips 
Driving in the bush
Maneuvering the gravel roads and sand tracks of Namibia,Botswana and Zambia certainly requires some practice. Awareness of the common pitfalls - and what to do about them - can be of great help.
Driving on gravel
Many people tend to over-estimate the speed they can travel on gravel roads. Do not exceed 80kph. You may be deceived by a good section of road, only to come up against a huge crater-like pothole, a rock, a boulder, a patch of heavy sand, or an animal. Wherever you are, always be on the look out for domestic or wild animals suddenly darting across the road.
The dust raised by an on-coming vehicle, an over-taking vehicle, or cars or lorries moving slowly in front of you creates another potentially dangerous situation, as your vision is radically reduced. Put on your headlights, reduce your speed until you can see, or if necessary, pull over to the side of the road until the dust settles.
Driving on sand
Before setting off, familiarize yourself with engaging four-wheel drive, experiment with various gears, and if possible, try out some sand patches to see how the vehicle handles them. Your type of vehicle will also affect how you drive.  Always keep both hands on the wheel.
Driving on sand requires continual concentration, as conditions are constantly changing. When you see a rough patch ahead, slow down and change down a gear before you meet it but do not stop.
Many sand tracks are corrugated and driving along them is rather uncomfortable. Reduce your speed considerably, or you will find your head hitting the roof, your supplies bouncing up and down, the suspension on your vehicle damaged and your back aching.
Driving in deep sand can be made easier by lowering the air pressure in the tyres to increase the gripping area.
Also if you get stuck in the sand and you can't get out using your driving expertise, a wrench would help. If however there are no trees around, then take your spare wheel, dig a hole in the ground, put the spare wheel in the hole and hook the wrench to the wheel. Seal back the hole and you will have enough power to get out. (This is an interesting tip from an experienced bush-driver).
Driving in mud
Do not over-estimate the power of four-wheel drive in mud - it is more difficult to extricate yourself from mud than sand. Some areas have the infamous 'black cotton soil' which, when wet, is notorious for bogging vehicles down axle-deep in mud. Be especially mindful during the rainy season. If the soil appears wet and black, try to go around it over a dry patch. You might even pre-test it by walking over a small stretch - the top may appear caked and dry while underneath the soil is wet and slippery.
Driving on pans
Pans can be particularly deceiving. The surface may appear white, hard and dry, while underneath the soil is wet and muddy. It is best to drive only on existing tracks, or if this is not possible, stay close to the shore-lines.
If you do become stuck in sand or mud, first dig out from under the wheels with a shovel, then place sticks and logs under the wheels to give them traction. If necessary, jack the vehicle up to place sticks and logs further underneath the wheels. A hydraulic jack can be used to jack up the wheel itself by placing it in the rim of the wheel, but take care as the jack slips easily and the handle can suddenly fly up.
Driving in the parks and reserves
Perhaps the best frame of mind to cultivate in Namibia's, Botswana's and Zambia's parks and reserves is that you are now in the animals' territory and not your own. Respect for the animals is essential.
Allow a good distance between the animals and your vehicle. Do not get out of your vehicle when on game drives, unless it is absolutely necessary and do not go very far. Off-road driving is NOT allowed.